Installation from “Homeland Security”: an exhibition consisting of five installations, Factor 44, Antwerp, 11/2002
Projection through a glass door, with a small monitor in the foreground.
We’re proud to present:
Dick Cheney: U.S. Vice President, former CEO of Halliburton.
George Bush, Sr.: former President of the United States, former director of the CIA, current employee of the Carlyle Group
George Bush, Jr.: current U.S. President
James Baker III: former Secretary of State, employee of the Carlyle Group
Frank Carlucci: former Secretary of Defense, CEO of the Carlyle Group
Hamid Karzai: U.S.-installed President of Afghanistan, former employee of Unocal
Zalmay Khalizad: U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, former employee of Unocal
Ossama bin-Laden: leader of Al Qaeda, former (?) employee of the CIA
Woman dancing: Video-performance by Carina Gosselé
Adaptation of The Night Porter, with an emphasis on voyeurism and abuse of power.
What does Nazi Germany have to do with the America of today?
In a claustrophobic space cutout heads dangle from the ceiling. Oil, power, the weapons industry and reconstruction:
who makes money before, during and after a war?