Here are the specifications for my performance: DISLOCATION #1,2,3
I will walk around wearing a black dress, sheep-skin coat, blond wig, boots, white make-up and red lipstick. Hand-out or drop text and small art pieces (to be made on the spot.) At times I’ll start dancing and at other times I will walk around reciting text. (In Flemish only) This should create an “uneasy” relationship with the public (most of whom will not understand a single word). Sometimes I will walk around in a white coat, white nightdress and white coboy boots. Cross references from different performances with the same white wig and make-up will be made and mixed together.
Cel Crabeels and Scott Lewis will take pictures and/ or videotape the performances, at times there will be an interaction between the photographer / videographer and me, the person behind the camera will become part of the performance, the public looks at both the performer and photographer…
The video shall be projected in the booth.
I will not always stay in the booth, but go outside to walk through the isles and continue my perfomance there.
April 30: 7 pm May 01: 2pm May 02: 5pm Duration of performance: variable
Technical sheet: Video projector, small dvd screen, dvd player, extension cord, adapter, headphone. Scart or kinch cable Duct tape. For performance: I-pod or boombox, paper, dress, make-up, mirror, wig, boots, scissors, pencil, markers. White coat, white nightgown, white boots. Will also work with ‘found objects’ The performance will be registered with video camera and still camera.